Ferry Tickets & Timetables Between Capri & Ischia
Latest page update: 3 February 2025
The ferry tickets and timetables between Capri and Ischia for 2025 are fully updated. There are ferry crossings between Capri and Ischia throughout the summer months and for most of that time it's possible to take a day-trip from either.
From the middle of June to the end of September there are two crossings from Capri to Ischia; if you take the morning sailing you can return to Capri later that day or with the early evening crossing it means staying the night in Ischia. In non pandemic years from the start of April until the end of October there's just the single, evening sailing from Capri to Ischia. |
The journey time between the two islands is one hour and the price varies from €20 - 23 for each adult.
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Please note, the Capri-Ischia ferry booking engine is produced by our partner company Ferryhopper. They are responsible for all aspects of the ticket purchasing process including payment, despatch and any queries that may arise.