Ferry Tickets & Timetables Between Sorrento & Castellammare di Stabia
Latest update: 2 February 2024
The ferry tickets and timetables between Sorrento and Castellammare di Stabia for 2023 will be updated shortly. During the summer it's possible to sail from Marina Piccola in Sorrento to the port town of Castellammare di Stabia.
Journey times between Sorrento and Castellammare di Stabia are around 20 minutes, with some services stopping along the way at the small port of Seiano, further along the Sorrento Peninsula. Prices for an adult single are from €6.50 - €10.24 depending on which company you sail with. Reductions are in place for children with a full breakdown below. |
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Please note, the Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia ferry booking engine is produced by our partner company Ferryhopper. They are responsible for all aspects of the ticket purchasing process including payment, despatch and any queries that may arise.