Ferry Tickets and Timetables Between Amalfi and Capri
Latest page update: 3 February 2025
The ferry tickets and timetables between Amalfi and Capri for 2025 are fully updated. From April to October it's possible to sail directly between Amalfi and Capri. The hydrofoil services are provided by three companies: Alilauro, Positano Jet and NLG (Navigazione Libera del Golfo) with the crossings taking between one hour and an hour and 15 minutes.
The frequency of crossings and departure times depend on the time of year. At the beginning of the season in April there are just one or two daily crossings and these gradually increase until high season which is August. |
The maximum number of crossings each way in August reaches seven per day and then gradually starts to decrease from September to the end of October.
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Please note, the Amalfi-Capri ferry booking engine is produced by our partner company Ferryhopper. They are responsible for all aspects of the ticket purchasing process including payment, despatch and any queries that may arise.