Ferry Tickets and Timetables Between Salerno and Amalfi
Latest page update: 13 February 2025
The ferry tickets and timetables between Salerno and Amalfi for 2025 are fully updated. Two companies will be operating the crossings this year: Positano Jet and NLG (Navigazione Libera del Golfo). Services are provided by hydrofoil/fast ferry which are for foot passengers only with a journey time of 20-25 minutes.
There are two morning departures from Salerno to Amalfi at 08:20 and 11:20 while the reverse journey can be made either in the morning or the afternoon. The Positano Jet service leaves Amalfi at 09:25, arriving in Salerno at 09:50, while the NLG crossing leaves Amalfi at 18:25 and arrives in Salerno at 18:45. |
A single ticket price for an adult ranges from €11 to €13.50 while for children aged 2 to 11 there's a small reduction and babies no more than one year old travel for free.
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Please note, the Amalfi-Salerno ferry booking engine is produced by our partner company Ferryhopper. They are responsible for all aspects of the ticket purchasing process including payment, despatch and any queries that may arise.